Mod api the forest wont restore files
Mod api the forest wont restore files

mod api the forest wont restore files
  1. #Mod api the forest wont restore files install
  2. #Mod api the forest wont restore files manual
  3. #Mod api the forest wont restore files Pc

These properties can be changed in the config. Wands from higher tiers are more powerful and last longer. There are basic wands made from stone, iron and diamond and the Infinity wand.

mod api the forest wont restore files

If you are still using version 1.x, refer to those instructions. Note: These are the instructions for ConstructionWand version 2.0+, which introduced some new features. If you concentrate enough, you can even conjure a block in mid air! Sneak+Right click to activate angel mode which allows you to place a block at the opposite side of the block facing you. For references, create a Libs folder in the same folder as the project solution.With a Construction Wand you can place multiple blocks (up to 1024) at once, extending your build on the side you're facing.

#Mod api the forest wont restore files install

Make sure to install the mod first so you have all of the required files. More detailed information is found in the Unity Project's README. If you'd like to create Materials or Hats, the unity project can be found here: # What hat to use from the BepInEx/plugins/GorillaCosmetics/Hats folder. # What material to use from the BepInEx/plugins/GorillaCosmetics/Materials folder for tagged/infected players. # Valid Options: Default/Camo/Gold/Matrix/Rainbow/Unity Default Material # What material to use from the BepInEx/plugins/GorillaCosmetics/Materials folder. # Whether or not other players should use your selected hat. # Whether or not other players should use your selected infected material when tagged/infected.ĪpplyInfectedMaterialsToOtherPlayers = false # Whether or not other players should use your selected material. The config should be mostly self-explanatory, but here's a quick rundown of what each option does: If you'd like to change one of the options not available ingame or manually change what cosmetics you have selected, you can edit the config found in Gorilla Tag/BepInEx/config/GorillaCosmetics.cfg (The game must be run at least once after installing the mod for this file to be generated) Gorilla Cosmetics currently comes with an in-game mirror that allows you to select your hat and material. hat file into your Gorilla Tag/BepInEx/Hats folder. If you'd like to install hats that people have made that don't come with the mod, drag the. gmat file into your Gorilla Tag/BepInEx/Materials folder.

mod api the forest wont restore files

If you'd like to install gorilla materials that people have made that don't come with the mod, drag the. Make sure it's extracted directly into your game's folder and not into a subfolder! Next, go to the latest release of this mod and extract it directly into your game's folder. This mod also depends on Newtonsoft.Json, so go to my latest Newtonsoft.Json release and follow the instructions there. If your game isn't modded with BepinEx, DO THAT FIRST! Simply go to the latest BepinEx release and extract BepinEx_圆 directly into your game's folder, then run the game once to install BepinEx properly.

#Mod api the forest wont restore files manual

If you don't want to manually install, you can install this mod with the Monke Mod Manager Manual Installation

#Mod api the forest wont restore files Pc

A PC cosmetic mod for Gorilla Tag that allows customizing the look of gorillas with materials and hats.

Mod api the forest wont restore files